Bypass rapidshare download timer:Rapidshare hacks

In my last a article How to get a free rapidshare premium account I told you a method get hack rapidshare premium account,Today i thought of posting some more rapidshare hacks,So today my post is on How to bypass rapidshare download timer,It gets so annoying when we keep waiting for the rapidshare timer

Bypass rapidshare download timer - Procedure

The count down timer:

This is one of the best method to bypass rapidshare download timer.

1. Click the RapidShare download link

2. To start the download click on the free button at the bottom of the screen.

3. Copy and paste this code in to the web browser url bar:


You can also bookmark this by doing the normal bookmark/fav process and then just entering that code instead of the website.

4. Press enter

This should set the timerlimit to zero. it is also possible to Add that link to your Favorites/bookmarks.